The comprehensive approach to college admissions counseling

College counseling for students ready to rise. Elevate your application with an admissions insider on your side.

The college admissions process is overwhelming.
Take the mystery out of applying.
With so many pieces to juggle, getting into the right college can feel like a daunting task, even for the strongest students. Let us help you navigate the college application process so you can put your best foot forward. We'll work together to present your strengths and accomplishments in a compelling and authentic way.
Stories Are the Ticket to Admissions Gold.
Golden Ticket Admissions supports students at every stage in developing college applications that highlight unique personal and intellectual potential. Admissions committees want to understand how students—as whole people—will grow and thrive in college.
Since applications are evaluated from a multidimensional lens, we believe students should engage with their applications similarly. Golden Ticket Admissions approaches college counseling as a profound opportunity to inspire teens to live their high school years with meaning and intentionality, and dig deep to showcase their strengths in the best light.

Ariel Mazel-Gee is dedicated to empowering young people to reach their personal and intellectual potential. Her insider's view of college admissions stems from several years on Stanford’s Undergraduate Admissions committee, where she evaluated thousands of applications from students around the country, and later in graduate admissions at USC.
As a lifelong learner, her own educational trajectory includes a bachelors from Stanford University and a masters from the University of Southern California.